2 Great Books to Turbocharge Your Writing
They have helped me 10x my productivity
If you want to take your writing to the next level (I mean, make money from it), these two books are a must-read.
1. The Pyramid Principle
2. Everybody Writes
Even if you write just for leisure, the frameworks in these books could transform your thinking and writing and help you derive maximum joy doing what you love.
You will learn how to generate clickable headlines, write an intro that draws readers in, use fewer words with maximum impact, and structure your writing in ways that make readers get your point immediately.
And for folks who want to write at a professional level and make loads of money doing that (like yourself — I guess), #EverybodyWrites gives you the blueprint to churn out high-quality pieces.
You will learn how to keep your idea pipeline flowing, the right words and grammar to use, witty metaphors to deploy and make your readers smile as they read, and many other cool ideas that can catapult your writing career to a top-earner spot.
#EverybodyWrites is written in a plain, 3rd-grade-level, and easy-to-digest language, with plenty of white spaces to make it less intimidating and easy on readers. The best part, it’s funny and playful.
I am a strong believer in the idea that people rise only to their level of training. These two books deliver great training on writing.
Check them out.